AI Rewind 2021: Trends in Reinforcement Learning with Kamyar Azizzadenesheli


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Today we’re joined by Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, an assistant professor at Purdue University, to close out our AI Rewind 2021 series! In this conversation, we focused on all things deep reinforcement learning, starting with a general overview of the direction of the field, and though it might seem to be slowing, that's just a product of the light being shined constantly on the CV and NLP spaces. We dig into themes like the convergence of RL methodology with both robotics and control theory, as well as a few trends that Kamyar sees over the horizon, such as self-supervised learning approaches in RL. We also talk through Kamyar’s predictions for RL in 2022 and beyond. This was a fun conversation, and I encourage you to look through all the great papers and videos that Kamyar shared below!

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