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In this episode, we're joined by Hanbyul Joo, a PhD student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
Han, who is on track to complete his thesis at the end of the year, is working on what is called the "Panoptic Studio," a multi-dimension motion capture studio with over 500 camera sensors that are used to capture human body behavior and body language. While robotic and other artificially intelligent systems can interact with humans, Han's work focuses on understanding how humans interact and behave so that we can teach AI-based systems to react to humans more naturally. In our conversation, we discuss his CVPR best student paper award winner "Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies." Han also shares a complete overview of the Panoptic studio, and we dig into the creation and performance of the models, and much more.