Automated Machine Learning with Eraz Barak


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About this Episode

In the final episode of our Azure ML series, we're joined by Erez Barak, Partner Group Manager of Azure ML at Microsoft. Erez's group is currently focused on AutoML, and if AutoML is something you're interested in, this is the talk for you. In our conversation, Erez gives us a full breakdown of his AutoML philosophy, including how he defines "true AutoML" and his take on the AutoML space, its role and its importance. We also discuss in great detail the application of AutoML as a contributor to the end-to-end data science process, which Erez breaks down into 3 key areas; Featurization, Learner/Model Selection, and Tuning/Optimizing Hyperparameters. Finally, we discuss post-deployment AutoML use cases and other areas under the AutoML umbrella that are generating excitement.
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