What a great time to be alive, reading newsletter number five!

Half a million thank-yous

Here at TWIML HQ we’re keeping an eye on our Soundcloud stats as we approach a very significant milestone for the podcast. I hinted at this yesterday on Twitter.


The TWiMLai Podcast 1 Year Anniversary


Well, don’t tell the folks on Twitter yet, but I’ll let you in on the secret: By the end of the hour, This Week in Machine Learning & AI will have been played for the five hundred thousandth time! It’s hard for me to convey how excited I am about this milestone and, more importantly, how grateful I am to you, the TWIML community, for it. Thank you!

Half a Million Thank Yous!

I tell people all the time that when I started the podcast, I had no idea what I was getting into, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t have done it! ???? The thing that kept me going and that continues to keep me going is you! I’m extremely grateful for your support!

I’ve had the benefit of witnessing and participating in a number of important technological shifts throughout my life and career: personal and portable computing, the internet, the web, mobile, and the cloud, to name a few.

These shifts have all had massive implications, but as huge as they’ve been and will be—note I think it’s still early days for cloud—I think the rise of machine learning and AI will dwarf all of them in scope, impact and importance. I’m convinced of that.

I’m also convinced that you are the people who will make that happen, and I’m glad to be able to do my part by providing a bit of education and inspiration via the podcast. I’m looking forward to celebrating the millionth listen with you soon!

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