This is just heaven, newsletter eleven!

Over the river and through the woods

Just like the journey to grandmother’s house, the journey to AI begins with a single step—so just get going! That’s where I tend to start when folks ask me how to get started in AI. It sounds like overly simplistic advice, but the reality is that most organizations—and individuals—face a tremendous amount of inertia and distraction when it comes to developing new competencies.

This idea—Just Do It!—is just one of the messages I’ll have for attendees at the Gartner Symposium next week during a panel I’ll be participating in alongside representatives from IBM, Hortonworks and NVIDIA on the topic of Getting Started with AI.

ITxpo & Keys to Enterprise Success

While machine learning and AI can be very complex, I tend to think that, as is the case with most things, the secret to success with ML & AI is very simple. When I’m talking to organizations about building ML/AI teams and products, I tend to start with these “simple truths.” There’s plenty of time to dive into the details once the basics are understood. Here’s my 10+1 list of the top keys to success in Enterprise AI.

(There’s more detail behind this. This is a recap from my talk at the Future of Data Summit I organized earlier this year.)

If you’re looking to chart a path for your organization to get up to speed with ML and AI, and you think I might be of service, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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