Work on Kaggle projects as a group!
The Kaggle group meets weekly to work on and discuss Kaggle competion challenges in a variety of domains. Meetups take place every Saturday at 10 AM PST. This group provides you with a unique opportunity to apply the concepts and techniques you have acquired through various other study groups.
The Kaggle group periodically chooses a Kaggle competition to work on (typically one that has recently completed in order to enable maximum learning and sharing). Choosing a Kaggle competition enables the group members to focus efforts on the unique challenges posed by the particular competition problem. Recent choices of competitions have included: Human Protein Atlas competition (Image Classification) and Severstal Steel Defect challenge (Segmentation).
Group members work on the chosen Kaggle challenge both individually and collectively. This enables the sharing of different ideas and approaches to the problem. The weekly discussions serve to motivate the members to work on the problem, to report progress and challenges they encounter and to implement different ideas and techniques.
Working knowledge of Python and familiarity with a ML framework such as PyTorch or TensorFlow is helpful.
The FastAI Forum for the study group can be found here.
For access to the Slack channel #kaggle please sign up here.