
Photo: Nicholas Egan

Nicholas Egan

Applied Research Scientist
Primer AI
Connect with Nicholas

Nicholas Egan is an Applied Research Scientist at Primer AI, where he teaches machines to read and write. He is responsible for creating Primer's pronoun coreference resolution model, Bayesian and bandit based hyperparameter optimization tools, the open-source reference implementation of BLANC (Primer's human-free summarization evaluation method), models that find factual dispute and infer agreement or contradiction, and Primer's methodology for explaining decisions of transformer models. Before coming to Primer, Nicholas worked on GANs at MIT's Computer Vision Lab, and interned at Robinhood, Facebook, and Airbnb.

Conference Sessions

Natural Language Processing
TWIMLfest  2020
Office Hours invites experts and practitioners in various topic areas for AMA (ask-me-anything) style sessions to answer technical questions from the community and/or help participants advance their specific projects and interests. This week's topic will be centered on NLP!