
Photo: Torbjörn Nordling

Torbjörn Nordling

Principal Investigator
Nordling Lab
Connect with Torbjörn

Dr. Torbjörn Nordling obtained both his Ph.D. in Automatic Control (2013) and his M.Sc. in Engineering Physics (2005) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan as an Assistant Professor in September 2015 and the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University in Sweden as Senior Lecturer in January 2020. Previously, he completed a PostDoc at the Dept. of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology at Uppsala University in Sweden. He has been a visiting researcher at Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine in Naples, Italy and ERATO Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project at Japan Science and Technology Agency in Tokyo, Japan. He is the founder of Nordron AB, a startup specialised in data analysis, and a co-founder of Jagah Systems AB, an award winning indoor geolocalisation startup. He has co-authored more than 25 peer-reviewed full-length articles published in international journals (SCI IF 1.5-25) or conference proceedings and given more than 60 invited lectures, oral conference, or poster presentations. He has specialised in Data Science, Mathematical modeling, System identification, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence with applications in Biology and Medicine.

Conference Sessions

TWIMLfest  2020
This panel will bring together AI/ML practitioners and instructors from various specializations to discuss their journey in creating artificial intelligence/machine learning courses for the community. We'll discuss how to identify the knowledge or skill gap to be addressed in your course, the steps to refine the scope and timeline of that course, useful tools and resources, best practices, and more.