Machine Learning for the Stars & Productizing AI with Josh Bloom


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About this Episode

My guest this episode is Joshua Bloom, professor of Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley and co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of machine learning startup

Josh and I had a wonderful discussion and, as you might have guessed if you happen to have noticed the length of this episode, we covered quite a lot of ground. But I promise you'll find this 84-minute interview to be jam-packed with great information, ideas and war stories.

You'll learn how Josh and his research group at Berkeley pioneered the use of machine learning for the analysis of images from robotic infrared telescopes; we talk extensively about the challenges they faced in doing this and some of the results they achieved. We discuss the founding of his company,, which uses machine learning to help customers deliver better customer support. That wasn't where the company started though, and you'll hear why and how they evolved to serve this market. We talk about his company's technology stack and data science pipeline in fair detail, and discuss some of the key technology decisions they've made in building their product. We also discuss some interesting open research challenges in machine learning and AI.

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