Earlier this year, we rolled out a major update to the TWIML website designed to make it easier for you to discover, use, and share podcast episodes and other TWIML content. Here are our top 10 favorite features of the new site:

All of TWIML’s content together at last

More FREE content

With the release of the new site, you can now access all content from past TWIMLcon and TWIMLfest events with one free login!


We now surface content from our Solutions Guide on the homepage of the new site, making it easier to discover TWIML blog posts, industry research, and vendor solution profiles that can help you do your job better.

Expanded podcast functionality


The Podcast section of the new site provides quick and easy access to all 584 episodes and allows you to discover new episodes you might like based on series, topics, and our curated playlists.

Video first

We’ve recorded all episodes in both audio and video since early last year and this new version of the site presents a video-first experience to desktop and tablet users.


We’ve made it easier to follow and share the podcast via your podcast listening and social media platforms of choice right from the episode page.

Fresh and functional


While the theme I personally hand-crafted nearly six years ago took us a long way, it was definitely time to spruce up the site. The new design is cleaner, easier to read and use, and more consistent overall.


The new site features both cross-site searches that spans all the site’s content and a dynamic episode search feature on the podcast page that makes it easy to filter through episodes by topic, guest, or episode number.


The new TWIML Network feature allows you to navigate from any show or session to that item’s guest or speaker, and from there see all the other things we’ve done with them. You can also, for the first time, directly access a list of past podcast guests and conference speakers.


The new site was designed from the ground up to be more easily accessed from mobile devices, so you can get your TWIML fix on the go.

In time, I’d like to see us offer more frequent and practical written content to complement our existing offerings. If you’d like to contribute as either an author or editor of articles and other content, I’d love to hear from you. Please reach out.