Buen dia!

The Democast is BACK!

This month, we had the pleasure of chatting with Karthi Natesan Ramamurthy, a research staff member at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center, and one of the architects of today’s demo topic, IBM’s AI Fairness 360 Toolkit. We had the opportunity to get an early look at 360 leading up to, and during, TWIMLcon: AI Platforms last year, where Trisha Mahoney presented on the topic. You can find our conversation with Trisha here, and for her full presentation, you can purchase the TWIMLcon video pass here.

In our conversation with Karthi, we explore some of the ins-and-outs of the toolkit, including:

Below you’ll find the resources mentioned in the conversation, and please feel free to send any feedback on this conversation or the Democast format in a comment below, or via Twitter at @samcharrington or @twimlai.